Author: dandelionspeaks

  • Common Ground

    Check out this brilliant article by Charles Eisenstein (March 2023): I feel this article has the potential to lead to a realisation that there’s lots of common ground between most XR type folk and those pointing out the power and control agenda behind the manmade climate change story such as myself. We all fundamentally hold…

  • Is the IPCC rigged?

    Here’s what Professor Tim Ball had to say in 2009 (and my understanding is that things haven’t changed since then): Maurice Strong [oil tycoon and front man for the Rockefellers] wrote the terms of reference of the IPCC where the definition of climate change is limited to human causes of climate change. That effectively eliminated…

  • Nobody Is Beyond Redemption

    Who’s your villain of the moment? Klaus Schwab? Tony Blair? Bill Gates? Vladimir Putin? The Rothchilds? Your father? Your neighbour? Your boss? My attitude to those who seek to have power and control over others and are doing harm is this: I fully honour and respect them as human beings, as fellow children of the…

  • Reader’s Comment

    Somebody responded to coming across my book on ‘The Case Against Climate Change’ with the following comment: “We only need to think how drastically our local climate changes between day and night, summer and winter to see that the Sun as the primary driver of climate is a highly rational idea!”

  • Podcast Interview

    I’m thrilled to announce that the interview of me in September 2022 by Richard Cox of Deep State Consciousness is now out on all the platforms below. A shortened version will be going on youtube to avoid their automated censors. This interview covers my history from my university days when I first got into environmental…

  • Speaking Engagements

    If you’d like to engage me to speak in your area or via Zoom, please contact me.